"It's the people that make the difference"
What is mediation and conflict coaching andhow can it help?
Early intervention is the key to resolving conflict quickly. The single biggest mistake organisations make is to leave conflict unchecked for too long, mostly hoping it will go away. In our experience, it does not and costs the organisation in the many ways.The good news is that most conflicts dealt with by a professional mediator end in agreement.
Mediation and conflict coaching are fast and cost efficient with minimal disruption to the workplace.
What is conflict coaching? It is working impartially with people either in or managing the dispute coaching them through strategies, processes and steps towards resolution. It is an early intervention process used successfully to resolve disputes internally to avoid further conflict and therefore mediation. This is a highly effective strategy that works.
What is Mediation? Mediation is the next step to conflict coaching. It is a simple, inexpensive form of alternate dispute resolution, opposed to more formal options available, eg litigation or arbitration. The object of mediation is to assist disputing parties focus on a mutual problem, talk about it, discuss possible solutions, and, if they choose, agree upon a solution.
What are the advantages of Conflict coaching and mediation?
Efficient - The mediation process can usually settle a dispute within a few sessions. Most mediations conclude within thirty days from initiating the process.
Effective - Mediation statistically settles over 85% of initiated disputes. People Dynamics last year settled 92% through mediation or conflict coaching.
Safe- The process of mediation is flexible and informal.
Affordable - Mediation is both cost and time effective.
Confidential - Information disclosed during mediation is confidential.
Did you know that?
• A recent study of practicing managers showed that 42% of their time is spent reaching agreements with others when conflicts occur.
• Up to 30% of a typical manager's time is spent dealing with conflict.
• Absenteeism has been shown to directly correlate with conflict in the workplace.
• Exit interviews revealed that chronic unresolved conflict is a decisive factor in at least 50% of all workplace departures.
• It is estimated that over 65% of performance problems result from strained relationships between employees, as opposed to deficits in skill or motivation.
• Studies have found that the cost of losing an employee is 70% to 200% of the employee's annual salary.