"It's the people that make the difference"

Facilitators Mediators Coaches Trainers

What do
How do you lead a group of people through a process to arrive at a solution acceptable to everyone?
Use a professional facilitator for:
Building better workplace relationships.
Resolving conflicts.
Facilitating agreements.
Tapping talent.
Building team commitment.
Turning ideas into actions.
Enhancing employee performance.
Improving individual and team productivity.
"Give a man a fish
feed him for a day
teach him
how to fish
feed him for a

What do
Mediators and and
Conflict Coaches do?
What are the advantages of conflict coaching and mediation?
Efficient - The mediation process can usually settle a dispute within a few sessions. Most mediations conclude within thirty days from initiating the process.
Effective - Mediation statistically settles over 85% of initiated disputes. People Dynamics last year settled 92% through mediation and conflict coaching.
Safe- The process of mediation is flexible and informal.
Affordable - Mediation is both cost and time effective.
Confidential - Information disclosed during mediation is confidential.
Unmanaged conflict is the
largest reducible cost
organisations today,
and the least recognised."
- Dan Dana
